Ghana is located in West Africa – just west of Togo. I am in the Port of Tema – on the coast, last city listed on the right hand side. Near to Accra which is the capitol and where the international airport is located – which all of us will be using. We will be here till February ’07
Cabin 142 – B Deck
My cabin on the m/v Anastasis – larger than my cabin on the Caribbean Mercy. It is located on B deck, port(left) side and at the very back, just at the entry to the Crew Clinic. The cabin has good storage spaces, a telephone, port hole and a shared bathroom.
Buckingham Palace
We visited Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence of the sovereign – the Queen, and was first opened to the public in 1993. Entry to Buckingham Palace is via Ambassador’s Court on Buckingham Palace Road which we walked down following walking around in front of the palace, though we were there at the wrong time to be able to go inside..
Hillsong London Church
While visiting my friend Dalletta and her husband John who live west of London in Slough, we went to their church in the West End of London – Hillsong London. They have three services every Sunday at the Dominion Theatre with 2,500 people each service – lavishingly and energetically worshipping our Father God. I was able to spend the weekend with them and now John is no longer my friend’s husband, but a friend also.
Windsor Castle
While visiting a friend from my home church who now lives in England, we went to see ‘The Official Residences of the Queen’ – Windsor Castle. I particularly enjoyed visiting St. George’s Chapel and seeing all the artwork through out the Sate Apartments.
Worship and Praise on board
Worship and Praise from on board the Africa Mercy. Even though we are not living on board, we are having regular times of work on board and also times to gather to pray and offer worship and praise to God. This week during worship, I was looking out one of the large windows and in my mind I could see an urban area in Africa. I believe that was a gift from God to help during this interim period as we prepare to go. We want to keep our faith and focus on Jesus and the direction He has for us.
Angel of the North
A landmark sculpture with wide open arms greeting all those coming to Gateshead, the community where I am living now. She is 65 feet tall and 175 feet wide (almost as long as the wings of a jumbo jet).
York Minster
York Minster, the largest Gothic church north of the Alps. The word ‘minster’ means a place from which people go out to minister – to spread the word of God. Visited today with friends and participated in Holy Eucharist.
Nat Railway Museum
World’s Largest Railway Museum – National Railway Museum in York, England. While visiting York today with friends, I knew I needed to go to this museum for my nephew Jeremy and my sister-in-law Julie and for the Bryan boys. I took pictures of every train they had in there for them.
Easter Meal ’06
Easter (Resurrection Day) meal at our flat – from left to right – Mike & Karen (two of my flat mates), Tom and then Susan & Robert. The ladies cooked a nice meal and Robert made a great cherry pie!