Baby Tuinier

Baby Tuinier
Originally uploaded by keithrbrinkman.

My friends Jan & Elizabeth Tuinier welcomed their baby daughter to the world on July 10th. Due to complications, Elizabeth had to have three more surgeries. Please pray for her complete health restoration. They are in Rotterdam, Holland. Their daughter’s name is Grace Isabella.


Originally uploaded by keithrbrinkman.

Beautiful Smile!!! This girl is one who captured my heart and I wrote about in my KRB Update. She was patiently waiting on the first day of surgical screening. Some of our musicians were playing some songs and she was dancing with the music – she would catch your eye and give you this beautiful smile. She has one of the most common birth defects in this area, but not for long as we are doing her cleft lip and palate surgery. Please pray with us that all goes well.


Originally uploaded by keithrbrinkman.

When you think of bees you probably think of getting stung by a bee. We are actually partnering with an educator/trainer here by the name of Kwame Aidoo. We are partnering with him and the Forestry Commission of Ghana on a training program for women in beekeeping as a supplemental income for them. This is a photo of us at his home and farm as he is demonstrating many aspects of bees to us – I am in the far left of the photo.

Pastors Church Leaders

Pastors Church Leaders
Originally uploaded by keithrbrinkman.

Pastors/Church Leaders Reception: One of our first receptions or events we hold in a country is one with the pastors and leaders of the local church. Following a time of refreshments and talking with the crew, we have a presentation of who we are and what we are planning for our time in their nation. This photo is one taken while we were giving them a tour of the ship. We have met with them early on during the assessment process, but this is a time to honor them and to request their assistance and partnership with us. I enjoy these times with those God has called to lead His people in the area.

m/v Anastasis

Originally uploaded by keithrbrinkman.

This is the ship I am on now – my last time as crew here was in spring ’91. Due to the delays with the Africa Mercy, we are using the Anastasis to start the outreach here in Ghana. The Anastasis has just finished up her second outreach in Liberia. This is a time of transition as many are leaving and others have come and more are to follow. Once the Africa Mercy arrives, we will move over and the Anastasis will be retired from her service which started in ’82 after renovations in Greece.