Sail to Liberia

Sail to Liberia
Originally uploaded by keithrbrinkman.

Our sail has been so smooth, I had a friend take this picture today at lunch as we are sailing to Liberia with the famous backdrop of the m/v Anastasis. During the sail, I have been working on all the final project reports from our time in Ghana and preparing for the start of our field service in Liberia and all that is planned for the upcoming 9 months.

Liberia Flag

Liberia Flag
Originally uploaded by keithrbrinkman.

We are en route to Monrovia, Liberia even as I write this entry. Thankful it has been smooth so far. At our community meeting this morning, we started to learn the national anthem of Liberia as we wish to sing on our arrival on Thursday.

All hail, Liberia, hail!
All hail, Liberia, hail!
This glorious land of liberty
Shall long be ours.
Though new her name,
Green be her fame,
And mighty be her powers,
And mighty be her powers,
In joy and gladness
With our hearts united,
We’ll shout the freedom
Of a race benighted,
Long live Liberia, happy land!
A home of glorious liberty,
By God’s command!
A home of glorious liberty,
By God’s command!

All hail, Liberia, hail!
All hail, Liberia, hail!
In union strong success is sure
We cannot fail!
With God above
Our rights to prove
We will o’er all prevail,
We will o’er all prevail,
With heart and hand
Our country’s cause defending
We’ll meet the foe
With valour unpretending.
Long live Liberia, happy land!
A home of glorious liberty,
By God’s command!
A home of glorious liberty,
By God’s command!

Avorwianu Wedding

Avorwianu Wedding
Originally uploaded by keithrbrinkman.

Wedding of Grow & Hannah occured yesterday. He is one of the young leaders in the church I attend in Ashaiman. They have been planning their wedding for many months. One day I came home to my cabin and there was an invitation to attend. This is my first Ghanaian/African wedding. It was great to celebrate with them.

Robert’s Leaving Day

Robert Leaving Day
Originally uploaded by keithrbrinkman.

After 70 days on board the m/v Anastasis and in our ward, Robert has been able to go home. Due to the type of burns and the surgeries done, his recovery took a long time. He was picked up by one of his uncles and he was able to leave the ship. He will come back for a few days in February, but he is doing better. I visited him and my friend Jonas and Robert taught Jonas how to play UNO. When a friend came from the US, I asked him to pick up a set of UNO cards and I was able to give that to him today at his departure – you should have seen his face when I gave it to him.

Cabin Inspection

Cabin Inspection
Originally uploaded by keithrbrinkman.

One of the responsibilities of the captain is to ensure that the cabins of the crew are clean and do not have fire or other hazards. Here on the m/v Anastasis the captain offers an award for the Best Cabin during that day’s inspection. I won the award and was surprised as I didn’t do a lot to really clean up the place. They do warn you and let you know what section of the ship he is inspected that week. My award, $1.00 coupon for the snack bar.