We are cheering on team #4 at the orphanage we visit on Saturdays. The crew visit this orphanage and others, plus the pediatric hospital, home for the disabled, prison and rehabilition centres.
Relay Games @ Centre for Orphaned
Garrit and I are encouraging our team – the game consists of passing the ball over your head and then the next person under the legs and you try to do it as quickly as possible.
Team Games @ Centre for Orphaned
Most Saturdays, 18 of us head off for the Centre for the Aged, Orphaned and Abandoned. There are actually no ‘aged’ people there but the director’s mom. We focus on the younger children and teens. We have times of team games as seen in the photo, song time, Bible story, craft time and more games.
Sunset from Aft Deck
Sunset from the m/v Anastasis at Freeport, Monrovia, Liberia. The man in the middle is Udo Kronester, my friend and my boss as our Programs Officer.
Burned vehicle in front of the ship
We brought the vehicle back to the ship and it is on the trailer on the pier in front of the ship. Thankfully no one was hurt nor was any other property damaged, though we are down a vehicle here. On my KRB Updates that I send out, I ask for prayers for Security, Health and Safety – thank you for praying.
Vehicle Fire
I was driving this Land Rover from the airport with a friend from the ship and two people who we just picked up, including a friend of over 10 years when flames came inside the vehicle on the passenger side and as quickly as I stopped and we got out, we looked for a fire extinguisher, but the flames were getting higher and out of control and the vehicle burned. We were all safe but the vehicle was destroyed. This is a picture of me and the transportation manager about 1 1/2 hours after the fire started.
Bay Town Boys
During a follow up visit to the community of Bay Town where they now have clean and adequate water from a new well, we took this picture, with the boys I call ‘Bay Town Boys’.
Sharing Lunch with children of Momo Baah Town
With some of the children of Momo Baah as we enjoyed together Plantain Chips from Ghana – a donation from the wife of the Minister of Health.
Well in Momo Baah Town, Cheesemanburg
We are checking out the status on the hand dug well in Momo Baah Town in Cheesemanburg. They were down around 30′ and still digging to ensure that even in the dry season they would be able to have water. Currently they are obtaining their water in a nearby polluted creek.
Health Education student Joseph Roberts
Strategic Health Initiatives trainers are teaching in Cheesemanburg twice a week. They are training individuals who will train others in community health issues. On the day I visited, they were teaching on River Blindness from the black fly and Schistosomiasis. I met one of the students Joseph Roberts and I just started to ask him questions on what he just learned – practise on me. I had studied this years ago, but it was good to hear him share what he has learned.