President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf waving goodbye after her visit and tour on the m/v Africa Mercy. The visit occured on Tuesday, May 29th. She was elected and installed as the first female elected president on the continent of Africa. Her election happened during the second visit of Mercy Ships to the nation of Liberia. She has visited the m/v Anastasis in the past and shared with the crew just prior to our departure from Liberia last year in May.
President of Liberia in the International Lounge
We hosted the President of Liberia in the International Lounge of the m/v Africa Mercy. She is seated between our co-founders, Don and Deyon Stephens. We have many of our International Board with us also for the welcoming of the Africa Mercy and the visit of the President.
Visit of the President to the Recovery Room
We were blessed to have the President of Liberia, Her Excellency Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf visit yesterday to welcome us to Liberia and in particular to welcome the Africa Mercy. She toured the Hospital on board and this photo is when Dr. Gary Parker was showing her the recovery room on board – deck #3.
Final Community Meeting on the m/v Anastasis
Final Community Meeting on the m/v Anastasis – held on the aft deck outside – with both the crew of the Anastasis and the Africa Mercy. Don and Deyon Stephens, our founders, shared from their hearts with many memories from ’78 when Mercy Ships purchased the m/v Victoria, now the m/v Anastasis. He shared the below scripture also:
I Chronicles 29:10 “David praised the Lord in the presence of the whole assembly, saving, ‘Praise be to you, O Lord, God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours, Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name.”
AFM and ANA at the same pier
Photo from above showing the two ships at the same pier. The Anastasis is on the right hand side and the Africa Mercy is on the left, the ocean is behind and land is ahead.
Africa Mercy’s Arrival with flags
We are waiting and watching for the arrival of the m/v Africa Mercy. We brought the flags from the International Lounge to the dock to wave. I am in the middle of this photo as we excitedly await her arrival.
View my cabin on the m/v Anastasis #142 B Deck Aft Port
This is the view from my bed (which is elevated) in my cabin on the m/v Anastasis out my one port hole – I see straight on the other side of the dock where the m/v Africa Mercy is berthed and in particular the large blue letters ‘AFRICA MERCY’ from my port hole.
AFM Arrives KRB US Flag
Standing on the pier in front of the m/v Africa Mercy as she arrives into Africa. We had the flags of the nations on the dock and I borrowed the US flag to take this picture. Exciting day all around!!!
AFM arrives in Liberia 23 May 07
m/v Africa Mercy has arrived in Africa for the 1st time – this morning Wednesday, May 23rd into Freeport, Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa
My nephew Jeremy & baseball
Photo of my nephew Jeremy and my brother Jay for their parade as they start baseball season in Mooresville, Indiana.