Don and Fredene Scott

Don and Fredene
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

Wedding photo of my friends Don and Fredene (Bishop) Scott who joined in marriage on the 9th of June in Washington State. I have known Fredene for years for when she came to serve on the Caribbean Mercy and then we served together on the Anastasis. Don was served with Mercy Ships at the Canadian National Office and then came to both the Anastasis in Ghana and the Africa Mercy in England. We are excited for them both.

Last Supper on ANA

Last Supper on ANA
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

Sunday night we had the last supper on the m/v Anastasis. Our menu included roast beef, gravy, roasted potatoes, broccoli, carrots and dessert of chocolate cake or upside down pineapple cake. They had various old pictures of the m/v Anastasis, the Victoria when she was a cruise ship to Asia in the 60’s and 70’s. Starting tomorrow, all meals will be on the Africa Mercy even for those who still live on the Anastasis. Clementine (Ghana/Togo), Brenda (South Africa) and Sherry (US) are in the photo.

Gaye Town Medical Clinic Work Day

I spent Saturday with Rene Tolno, our project team leader, working at the medical clinic we are constructing in Gaye Town. This project is in partnership with Gracie Reeves Memorial Baptist Church who has been operating a basic medical clinic one day a week from their church building. This clinic will allow more services to the people in the community. We are anticipating completion later this month. Rene was my boss man and had me painting, cleaning flooring and driving to the hardware store for more paint, tiles and screws.

Cross from the ANA and Deyon

At the beginning the Passing the Torch ceremony from the gangway of the m/v Anastasis, Dr Gary Parker raised the cross from the Anastasis bow high above his head. Forever going before us, the cross is passed from one hand to the next; it too will lead us at the front of the Africa Mercy. The photo shows Deyon Stephens, one of our co-founders, receiving the cross on the m/v Africa Mercy.

Passing of the Torch

Passing of the Torch
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

We just had the special Passing of the Torch ceremony between the m/v Anastasis and the m/v Africa Mercy here in Monrovia, Liberia. The torch was beautifully crafted and burning brightly in the morning sun it is a symbol of past and future; teak from the Caribbean Mercy, Oil separator sleeve from the Anastasis and a small wooden cross from the bearing on the Good Samaritan.

Fredene’s Party

Fredene’s Party
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

Photo of Fredene and her ‘boys’ as we celebrated together with her as she prepared to leave and return home to marry. The guys are from Ghana, Togo, Benin, Kenya, Sierra Leone and maybe I have missed a nation. This was taken at the end of her party which we had in the ‘family room’ on the m/v Anastasis.

Fredene’s Party

Fredene’s Party
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

In Mercy Ships, you have many welcomes and also good-byes. Yvonne and I hosted a party for our dear friend Fredene as she left the m/v Anastasis to return home to get married. She is in the bright blue on the far right. The special part was the opportunity to share an experience and/or what she has meant to us and so everyone shared and it was a great evening together.