Since the transition between ships is basically done, we have returned to going on Saturdays to the Centre for the Aged, Orphaned and Abandoned Orphanage. We usually have relay games as seen in the photo to wear them out a bit (at least I get worn out) before the Bible story, songs and crafts. Great being back!!!
Sharing about Adopt-A-Patient
For our Open Hospital night, I was asked to share in one of the wards about the Adopt-A-Patient program. In the photo I am explaining how you can select a patient from the IV Tube Poles – one for men, one for women and one for children. I encouraged the crew to take on the challenge, sharing from my personal experiences.
Caribbean Mercy Crew Reunion
Photo of a reunion of the former Caribbean Mercy crew – long and short term who are now serving on the m/v Africa Mercy. Eric T and Joyce S arrived just after we took this photo. We enjoyed fellowship together on the deck of the m/v Anastasis while she was still here in Liberia.
Final Departure – m/v Anastasis
Today, I witnessed the final departure of the m/v Anastasis from Freeport, Monrovia, Liberia as she left for India with 39 crew members. We have sold the ship to a company in NW India where they will recycle the ship as scrap metal. We have had the Anastasis since 1978 and so it was hard to see her go.
Lifebuoy Ring – m/v Anastasis
Yesterday was my final day on the m/v Anastasis, I walked around and said my Goodbyes and decided I wanted a photo with the lifebuoy – Anastasis – Valletta (city in Malta as that is where the ship was registered).
Hospital Open House – ‘my surgery’
Do you ever wish to be a surgeon? Well we had the opportunity to dress like a surgeon, nurse and/or patient. In this photo, I am the patient and I have 3, yes that is right 3 surgeons – Joyce Samuels, Caleb and Comfort – all taking good care of me. This is the operating room/theatre that will be used primarily for orthopaedics.
Hospital Open House ‘my suture lessons’
Last night the Health Care Services Department had an Open ‘House’ in the hospital on board the Africa Mercy. All of the crew were able to see the various rooms and spaces, from the 6 operating theatres to the lab, pharmacy, the 5 wards, CT Scan room, XRay room. In one of the ORs we were able to receive lessons in suturing and so my teacher and OR Supervisor Kylie B from New Zealand gave me lessons in 3 types of sutures. I can’t say I did very well.
International Lounge on the Africa Mercy
Our International Lounge is used for our weekly community meetings, our times of devotions, prayer and communications and project reporting times and other large meetings. This is also where we host the Heads of States and others who come to visit the ship and to learn more of the ministry. Both the Anastasis and Caribbean Mercy had International Lounges, but not this large.
Cabin 4236 Photo Wall & Desk
Another photo of my new home – my family wall with my parents and my grandparents – my desk for my computer and printer. And of course my initials with the letters K R B from Guatemala. We use magnets to attach things to the walls – no nails or screws.
Cabin/Home on the Africa Mercy
Photo of my cabin, new home, on the Africa Mercy, #4236 – on Deck 4 the main accomodations deck – on the port side (left) and in the aft portion of the ship (back part-actually the last one in the hall).