Liberia Children’s Rescue Education Foundation Orphanage

Group photo of the children and teens at the Children’s Rescue Education Foundation Orphanage along with the staff and my friend Brenda van Straten who is greatly involved in this ministry. I have visited them often and this was the day we hosted them on board the Africa Mercy – which was a joy for all of us.

Nathaniel & Flomo on Deck 7

Nathaniel Flomo Deck 7
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

Both Nathaniel and Flomo came back to the ship for a follow up surgery – they both had large tumor at their chin and lower jaw, which had to be removed and a titaniun plate was put in for their jaw. Nathaniel Baker is to my left on the photo – he is a primary school teacher from Harper in Maryland – a county in the far southeastern corner of Liberia. Flomo to my right is also from Maryland county and he is a farmer. They have both returned home, but we were able to visit every day in the hospital. Please pray for their continual healing.

Thank you Reception

Thank you Reception
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

As a way of saying thank you to all those who have helped us during a field service, we invite them to a special Thank you Reception on board the ship. Our department, Programs, hosted this event. One of my roles was to welcome the visitors and ask them to sign our guest book. At the last minute, we received word that the Vice President was coming to the event and so that was a welcomed surprise.

Holding a little guy during church

The Sunday morning services can go long at the local churches – often many hours. I was visiting this church this past Sunday and when they entered into Part 2 of the service, I stepped outside for some air and ended up staying out with the children. I met Emmanuel – see next BLOG entry and also this little guy, who ended up falling asleep on my lap. The children are precious.

Emmanuel & Pastor Andrew

Emmanuel was borned with two club feet – where the feet are going the wrong direction – he has lived with this for many years. Thankfully, God made a way for him – our orthopaedic surgeons selected him for surgery and did his left foot and will do his right foot when we return next year. He lives at an orphanage that some of my friends have been visiting. I met him at church last Sunday as seen in the picture with Pastor Andrew. He has a gentle heart and spirit – I told him that I will visit him when he returns for his second surgery.

Orphanage Tour

Tour Aft Deck 3
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

Saturday, we hosted the staff and children from the Liberia Children’s Rescue Education Foundation Orphanage on board the m/v Africa Mercy. I had the privilege of giving them a tour of the ship – we have been to their home many times and now this was an opportunity to show them our home. In the photo we are on Deck 3 (hospital) aft (back part).

Peace Ward

Peace Ward
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

Hospital Visitation – through our Adopt-A-Patient program, I visited daily the hospital – currently visiting Peace ward to see Nathaniel and Flomo. We are unable to take pictures in the ward out of respect for the patients, but here is a photo of the Peace ward before the patients arrived. The other wards are named by other Fruits of the Holy Spirit – Joy, Faith, and Hope.

Fombo out on Deck 7

Fombo Deck 7
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

For our patients who are well enough, we offer to take them to Deck 7 to get some fresh air and for the children the chance to play ‘outside’. Fombo underwent his first surgery on the Anastasis and that is where I met him. He completed his follow up surgery here on the Africa Mercy. He has now returned home with his mom and reunited with his father and older siblings.