Great View!!!

Sail to Las Palmas (24)
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

On the Africa Mercy bridge, there is this section on both side that has a glass bottom, so the capitan and officers can see when docking the ship. In the photo, I am standing on the glass looking down at the ocean as it goes by. When the orphans came to visit the ship, we got permission to take them to the bridge and I would ask for a brave one to volunteer to stand on it first, usually I got one, but even afterwards, some of them would not stand in this spot.

Alieu Swaray School Tenegar

The area of Tenegar is a possible location for agriculture, water & sanitation and community health education. Jeff and I visited this school, Alieu Swaray School, spoke with the principal and teachers to learn more about the area. All of our photos and information in our reports goes to our Programs Director and the leaders at our headquarters to be considered for a community for our ’08 field service in Liberia.

Assessment in Royesville

Blamacee Charles who is a teacher in the school showed Jeff and me around northern Royesville, which is a hike as the bridge was destroyed by an UN tank. I believe this is William Town or Besi Town in this photo. We asked alot of questions, but were careful not to raise expectations as we only did assessment. Others will take our photos and notes and make the appropriate decision.

Group of ’77 Virginia Property Opening

One of our projects has been a partnership with Group of ’77 who are working with the disabled here in Liberia. We assisted with a secure storage building and hand pump on their property in the area known as Virginia. The wife of the Vice President is the Chairperson of the group and she is speaking to the group gathered that day. We have an ongoing relationship with them.