On the Africa Mercy bridge, there is this section on both side that has a glass bottom, so the capitan and officers can see when docking the ship. In the photo, I am standing on the glass looking down at the ocean as it goes by. When the orphans came to visit the ship, we got permission to take them to the bridge and I would ask for a brave one to volunteer to stand on it first, usually I got one, but even afterwards, some of them would not stand in this spot.
Alieu Swaray School Tenegar
The area of Tenegar is a possible location for agriculture, water & sanitation and community health education. Jeff and I visited this school, Alieu Swaray School, spoke with the principal and teachers to learn more about the area. All of our photos and information in our reports goes to our Programs Director and the leaders at our headquarters to be considered for a community for our ’08 field service in Liberia.
Ministry of Health clinic in Artington
As part of our assessment for our community-focus activities for next year, we visited this Ministry of Health clinic in Artington. Regretfully, it is not fully staffed and only offering limited services for the people in the area. Artington is north of the capitol city of Monrovia, Liberia.
Assessment in Royesville
Blamacee Charles who is a teacher in the school showed Jeff and me around northern Royesville, which is a hike as the bridge was destroyed by an UN tank. I believe this is William Town or Besi Town in this photo. We asked alot of questions, but were careful not to raise expectations as we only did assessment. Others will take our photos and notes and make the appropriate decision.
Assessment in Royesville
With our return to Liberia in ’08, we needed to do some assessment to find appropriate communities. I went out to some recommended locations including Royesville, which is a community the Anastasis crew worked with in ’05-’06.
Group of ’77 Virginia Property Group
Our group shot in front of the secure storage building on the property they are developing for rehabilitation of the disabled of Liberia. The wife of the vice president, the 2nd lady, is in the middle of the picture. This is an ongoing relationship with this group.
Group of ’77 Virginia Property Opening
One of our projects has been a partnership with Group of ’77 who are working with the disabled here in Liberia. We assisted with a secure storage building and hand pump on their property in the area known as Virginia. The wife of the Vice President is the Chairperson of the group and she is speaking to the group gathered that day. We have an ongoing relationship with them.
Family Photo Sept 07
Family photo that we took at my parent’s home on September 15, 2007 while I was back in Indiana. Most of us were able to get together on Saturday afternoon and evening and enjoyed time together and at the end of the evening, we took this picture. I have it up in my cabin so I can share with those who visit – to know my family.
Last visit with Mercy
Now check out her hair!!! This little girl’s name is MERCY and she lives at the Centre for the Aged, Orphaned and Abandoned Children – the home that our team of up to 18 people visited weekly. This was taken at my last visit with them.
Last visit with Stephen
Photo of my friend Stephen who is from the Centre for the Aged, Orphaned and Abandoned Children – he is almost 4 years old they think – special little guy and I will really miss him. This is the orphanage that I visited weekly.