Traffic Jams in Monrovia

Traffic Jams in Monrovia
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

During my service on the Advance Team, I spent a lot of time driving, in meetings with pastors, healthcare professionals and government officials, on the cell phone and on the computer. Due to some major road repairs on the main roads in Monrovia, I encountered many detours that would add minutes to hours to the transit time. Though the roads are improving… in this photo we had almost 5 lanes one way – all trying to come down to one lane – a challenge in patience many times.

Tour of central Las Palmas with Ken,Ann,Jean&Jean

On Sunday, I had the day off and was invited to go on adventure with my friends Ken, Ann, Jean and Jean. We headed to the mountains and the former volcano in the middle of this island of Gran Canaria. We drove up to 6,500 feet, though when we got there, we could not see anything but the cloud. We stopped along the way in small quaint small towns and just enjoyed the day together.

Drydock 07 Under the AFM @ Bow

During our tour of the ship on Sunday morning, I took this photo at the bow (front of the ship). Since she was a ferry in Denmark before the ship actually had two rudders – one in the front and one in the back – we don’t need the one in the front and so we welded it closed. So far things are going good with the inspection and certificates that we need to continue to sail.

Holding the weight of the Africa Mercy with help

Drydock 07 Under the AFM
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

Sunday morning we had the opportunity to have a tour under of the Africa Mercy as we are in drydock. Here you can see the middle bottom of the ship resting on these platforms with wood on railroad tracks. That is how they move us around the shipyard. It was very interesting to see the bottom and the different parts that are normally always under the water line.

View of Las Palmas de Korean Church

This lovely view is of Las Palmas from the hillside where the Korean Church has their building. They hosted 55 of us crew on Sunday for service which was translated from Korean into English, Spanish and Chinese. Then they enjoyed bulgogi, my favorite Korean food and then went for a short bus ride to the Botanical Gardens and the Calle de Colon – Street of Christopher Columbus.