Emmanuel Cole

Thank you for praying for Emmanuel – he had a successful club foot surgery. He has a cast on and is smiling and doing well. Since the children’s home where he lives is close, he will be able to go home on Monday and then will return for outpatient care. The children at the home on Thursday each drew pictures for him and sent them to the ship for Emmanuel. As I was looking at them, I said, ‘Emmanuel, you are truly loved by these and by our Heavenly Father God.’.

Emmanuel & Pastor Andrew

Emmanuel & Pastor Andrew
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

Emmanuel Cole who is pictured with his pastor is going into surgery on Wednesday afternoon Liberia time – which is early morning Wednesday in the US. I just visited him in the ward as he was admitted today. The orthopaedic surgeons will be corrected his club foot. He had his other club foot fixed last year and now they are doing the other. Please pray for him, for the surgeon and all the health care professionals. Emmanuel lives in a children’s home that the crew visit regularly, I have been there several times myself.

Manja Club Feet Surgery in 07

This is cute little girl, Manja, had club feet surgery on both of her feet last year. If you have a Mercy Ships calendar for ’08, she is the ‘December girl’. I just spent a bit of time with her and her mom as they returned to the ship for a check up with the orthopaedic surgeon. She is walking around like a normal two year old – her 2nd birthday is next week. If you remember me sharing about Emmanuel, who had one surgery on one foot last year and will have the second surgery next month. I will keep you posted.

HSV Swift Visit to Monrovia

HSV Swift Visit
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

The US Navy is currently here in Monrovia, Liberia with three ships outside the harbour and one HSV Swift tied up to the pier. We were invited to take a tour of HSV (High Speed Vessel – made of aluminum and able to travel up to 50 mph) last night. In the photo, I am sitting in the capitan’s chair with my finger on the small silver ‘helm’. The US Navy is on a good will tour, in cooperation with some non-governmental organizations, and hosting various receptions on board. In return, we hosted them for a tour and coffee on board the Africa Mercy.

Easter Sunday ’08

Easter Day 08
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

Easter Sunday on the m/v Africa Mercy in Monrovia, Liberia started with sunrise service at 06:00 on deck 8, followed by our Easter Service on ‘our’ dock at 08:00. We had time of singing, readings from the gospels, two short presentations by our children and a brief message from our managing director.

Jesus Film for Children

Jesus Film for Children
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

On Wednesday evening, we set up the projector and large screen – connected to the back of the Land Rover. We had come to Victorious Faith Refuge Home and were sharing the Story of Jesus for Children with them. All of the children from the home were there along with the neighborhood children also. It is a special version of the Jesus film for children, from their perspective and only 67 minutes long.

Screening – Praying

Screening – Praying
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

Many of our crew members prayed with patients – both those outside the main gate who are told by the pre-screeners that we are not able to help them and those inside who the surgeon tells them that we are not able to help them physically. They also prayed with those patients who received appointment cards to come for surgery. In this photo are two friends Yvonne and Debbie.