Owin looking at himself in the mirror

While at the orphanage this morning, Joseph was taking pictures with my camera for Brenda who is down in South Africa. Brenda has a long relationship with this orphanage. In this picture, Owin is on the step railing of the ship’s Land Rover looking at himself in the side mirror. Other times when he or the others wanted to see themselves, I would hold them up to take a look and say ‘See that great looking young Liberian boy’…

JoJo and Tommy

JoJo and Tommy
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

JoJo and Tommy come from an orphanage located only 10 kilometers from where the ship is docked. JoJo has polio that has affected his right arm. Tommy is the boy behind JoJo. Joseph, who is 14 years old, was my photographer and I love this photo of the boys. I have been seeing them and spending time with them regularly for over a year now.

Joseph & JoJo

Joseph & JoJo
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

Joseph & JoJo live at the Liberian Children Rescue Education Foundation orphanage – I have known them for over a year now. I gave Joseph my camera to take some pictures this morning and he must have given the camera to someone else and took this one. Joseph will be graduating from 6th grade on July 6th and JoJo will graduate top of his KII class on the same day and will give a speech. Many here in Liberia are behind in their studies due to the war and many factors.

Children & Teens on the ship

This past Friday morning, our Academy had their final celebration for the year – various presentations including the assigning of character traits observed during the school year. On Wednesday, they had the Academy Sports Day at the nearby UN base as you see from the picture. Last night, our only 12th grader, Enoch Yeboah had a special ceremony to note his graduation from high school – complete with cap and gown. He has spent most of his life growing up on the ship.

French Patients on Deck 7 Outside

During the recovery period, if the patient’s nurse OKs it, we can take our patients outside up to Deck 7 and more recently they are permitting us to take them to the dock. A chance to relax, feel the gentle breeze, look out towards downtown Monrovia. This photo has three of my French speaking friends – from Guinea, Cote d’Ivorie and Senegal. Some of them are afraid of heights and do not sit near the railing, but most of the others really enjoy it. A time to visit and share outside the hospital.

Craft Activity

Our craft activity at the orphanage on Satuday to coincide with the lesson of creation was to use Play-Doh and to create animals and other things that God created. In the photo is one of my groups including Stephen in the middle. The Play-Doh was a donation and each of the children were able to keep it to use at other times.

Alex from Victorious Faith Refuge Home

Here is my buddy, Alex, from the Victorious Faith Refuge Home from our visit this past Saturday. From the moment we arrived, each of us had children around us and those I know from beforehand, remembered me and grap my hands and helped me carry things in. Alex is a special little guy, but so is Peter, Blessing, Robert and the many others who call this place their home.

Fish story at Victorious Faith Refuge Home

Our Bible lesson on Saturday at the Victorious Faith Refuge Home was about Jesus and the disciples and the catching of such a large quantity of fish they had to call their friends to come and help. Deyon, our co-founder, shared about the Mercy Ships fish story and how God provided the fish jumping out of the sea and seen as a miracle. I had heard the story many times, but not from Deyon and so it was good to hear and hopefully the children and teen will remember an example of what God can do.