Screening Surgical in the Stadium

From the lines outside to inside the stadium for surgical screening – over 2,500 potential patients came to the screening. My role was just inside the stadium to direct patients and others to the right direction. This photo was taken from my view at the entry – you are looking at primarily the registration tables and medical histories.

Gate of Reconciliation in Ouidah, Benin

On Sunday afternoon after visiting a friend’s church, I joined with a Mercy Team on a visit to Ouidah. Ouidah was an area that the African kings allowed the Europeans to set up forts to collect and prepare to send slaves out from West Africa. There was a Gate of No Return on the beach, though I especially was encouraged to see this gate built in 2000 by the Catholic Church as a Gate of Reconciliation. The Gate is in the shape of the nation of Benin and with a large cross in front.

Civic Media Reception

On Friday afternoon, we hosted invitees for our Civic & Media Reception – this was an event we started planning for last October, I helped design the invitations and together with the Advance Team worked on the Guest List. This is our opportunity to welcome on board governmental leaders, ambassadors, representatives from other NGO’s, leaders of church associations and others. In this photo, both Denise Miller and myself are (at the same time) extended a hand shake to one of our guests.

Africa Mercy location 04 feb 0945am

Hello from the Atlantic Ocean en route to Cotonou, Benin. In this photo you see our exact location today as of 0945am – basically horizontal with the capital of Guinea – Conakry. The seas have been somewhat smooth and life on the ship continues to go on as we prepare for this year’s field service. We are scheduled to arrive on Monday mid morning in Cotonou.

Rainbow Day Before Leaving Tenerife

This was the beautiful view on Friday morning just following our pre-sail briefing conducted by our Captain. The camera did not pick it up – but there was a double rainbow. This is part of the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and our host for the past month as we had ship repairs and inspections before returning to Afriac.