Visit of Min of State/Health to Cotonou

On Monday, we hosted the Minister of State/Minister of Health, Administrator of Health Services and the Health Advisor to the President – from TOGO – here on board. I was recently in Togo and had meetings with them and due to our close proximity (4 hours) we invited them to come and see the Africa Mercy in action. I believe the visit was real helpful and they were grateful for the opportunity.

Jardin d’Eden Painting

This photo is from an orphanage here in Cotonou, Benin – named Jardin d’Eden (Garden of Eden in English). We follow a similar plan as with the orphanages in Liberia – a time of singing (and dancing), sharing of a Bible story (involving them in the story) and a time of arts and crafts. This week they were using paints and making drawings. Many times the artwork and drawings are displayed up on the wall in the home – similar to us in the US putting the drawing on our refrigerator. I do not have the same relationship connection here as in Liberia, but I was there for two years and had more time on building the relationships.

Agriculture Training with Grant D.

As part of our training of trainers in Biblical agricultural principles, we invited and hosted Grant who serves with Farming God’s Way in Southern Africa. He aided us with training and sharing with them training ideas that they can use to train others. The man in the middle with the yellow shirt is Jean Claude from Congo Brazzaville – he is our agriculture trainer and will continue the training with these men.

Hevie Training Facility Construction

Currently we only have one construction project underway – it is a hostel-dormitory for a training facility in the Hevie area – about one hour and 15 minutes from the ship. This is part of our agriculture project – at the same time we are training trainers to train others and this building will be the housing and classroom for the participants. In the photo with the blue hard hat is Jean Kamano from Guinea who is one of our site supervisors.

Academy Graduation 2009 Tashwell Myers

Last night in our International Lounge, I attended the Academy Graduation Class of 2009. Though for this year, we only had one graduate – Tashwell Myers from South Africa. Tashwell actually assisted in creating the graduation ceremony and then we had a party afterwards. The Academy has 46 students this school year which ends tomorrow. In this photo, Tashwell has his father, mother and younger sister with him. Congratulations Tash.

Our Blood Bank

Blood Donor
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman

Here on the Africa Mercy for our hospital, we do not have a blood bank. Blood is needed on some more of the major maxillofacial surgeries. Instead, we, the crew, volunteer to be tested and available for donation when needed. Sometimes you know ahead of time and other times you get an urgent call from the lab to meet them in the ICU in order to donate as a patient is in the operating room who will be needing your type of blood. My friend took this photo after my most recent donation of one unit of A+ blood.

Liberia orphanage on the beach

Some of the children and teens from the orphanage in Liberia were hosted for a day at the beach by a couple who are working on a large hotel project in Monrovia. As you can see from their smiles, they really enjoyed their time on the beach and their meal together. I miss them, I do stay in touch with them via emails which the director gets from an internet cafe and the occassional phone call. A friend here on board will travel there next month and I will send some things with him.