Today was our last Sunday to attend the evangelical church here in Tenerife. We were given an opportunity to share our thanks and so I translated for Clementine who has known the people of the church since last year. For me, it has been good to be able to worship the Lord in Espanol once again like when I served on the Caribbean Mercy in Latin/Central America. I know that we will stay in touch and that they are praying for us as we leave soon for Lome, Togo.
Public Tours
On Thursday, we opened the ship to the public here in Tenerife for the opportunity to come and visit. We are thankful for the hospitality of the Ports of Tenerife in allowing us to be here. My first tour was actually a group from the evangelical church that I have been attending – isn’t God’s timing great. In the photo, we are in Ward D that is set up to give the tour guests an idea what the hospital is like – though we couldn’t find a pulse on the guy in bed #6 : – )
Work Phase in Tenerife
The Technical Work Phase continues to go well here in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. They reported this morning that we have passed some inspections and more will probably happen next week with the Port State Inspection and Flag State Inspection. All of the safety equipment is receiving their annual servicing. We continue to pray for all those working on these technical work projects for safety and that there will not be any ‘show stoppers’ for us leaving at the end of the month for Lome, Togo.
Loro Parque touching dolphins
Many of the crew and in particular the families were able to visit Loro Parque in Puerto de la Cruz – on the other side of the island. It is like a Sea World, if you have visited there. I went last year and spent the day with the Kronester family.
In this photo one of the Samaraweera kids had the chance to be in the ‘Dolphin Show’ and go out in the boat.
Logo on Stack Jan ’10
One of the project during this technical work phase is replacing the logo on the stack of the Africa Mercy. As we changed our logo awhile back, we need now to replace the old logo on the ship. You will notice in the background the hill/mountains as this island has many mountains including the highest point in Espana (Spain).
Greetings to you all at the beginning of a new year 2010!!!
I am writing to you from on board the ship while in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands – islands owned by Spain but only 100 km off the African coast near Morocco (see the map below). You may ask, “What are you doing there?” The ship is required to go

Personally, I am not involved in the technical work, though they have asked for volunteers from the general crew to assist with crawling into the tanks and doing the cleaning. I have been working intently on all the required final Benin ’09 field service reports and in particular on each of the 14 final project reports for the hospital and the activities off the ship. I strive for integrity and excellence with our reports, including our statistics and financial reporting on these projects. In addition, I continue to serve as the advance team liaison on board as our team is in Lomé, Togo. I am also working on preparations for our next field service in the nation of Togo (sailing date of January 31st).
Last Sunday, I was invited to a local evangelical church (Iglesia Cristiana Fuente de Paz y Esperanza) here on the island. My friend Clementine had met some of the people from this church last year and invited us to return. I was given the privilege to share in their morning service; I chose to share in Español and thought I will watch their faces to see if they can understand my Español. My language skills have not improved since I am not using it regularly except in correspondence with friends in Central America and with the few crew members on board who speak Español also. One recent slip/goof at a store was calling a lady here ‘Madame’ and saying ‘s’il vous plait’ (please in French).
Serving Together,
Email: [email protected] – using this email account for personal correspondence
Cleaning Water Tanks
As part of our ship repairs, modifications and inspections in this season in Tenerife, this is a photo of some of the crew cleaning the water tanks on board the ship. Others were cleaning other tanks much dirtier than this, but they did it willingly. I continue working on reports from our time in Benin and preparing things for our upcoming field service in Togo.
New Year’s Day – Africa Mercy
This is an early morning photo of the Africa Mercy here in Santa Cruz de Tenerife – photo taken by a fellow crew member – Murray.
Last Sunday I had the privilege of sharing at Iglesia Cristiana Fuente de Paz y Esperanza during their morning service. I felt lead to share the story of Alimou who had both a physical and spiritual transformation. Then I went on to share more about Mercy Ships. I shared in Espanol/Spanish instead of being translated. I was a bit nervous as I don’t use my Spanish so much now serving in Africa – but I could tell from the expressions of the people’s faces they were understanding. Some from the church having already visited us on the ship and more will come later.
Captains Board
This is a whiteboard where the Captain and Managing Director place important announcements for the crew – it is just inside the entry at the gangway, by Reception. The Captain wrote ‘God’s Blessings to All in 2010!!’ and that would be my prayer also.
Christmas Day Brunch
We gathered together this morning for our Christmas Day brunch. Ken is showing me one of his favorite fruits – strawberries – which is also my favorite. I joined their family for the morning brunch. We enjoyed many types of fruits that are just not available in Africa, but are available here in Tenerife. Merry Christmas Feliz Navidad