Serving on the evaluation team requires many phone calls trying to make appointments with the people and partners we need to meet. This is from the guest room I stayed in at the Africa Bible College Guest House at ELWA in Liberia. Thankful to have 24 hours of power and running water.
Open Bible Standard School Congo Town
One of our construction projects in 2007 in Liberia was for the Open Bible Standard School in Congo Town – we were encouraged to see many junior and senior high students attending the school. This is the well we installed that continues to provide safe, clean drinking water for them and the community.
Royesville Bridge
This is the new bridge connecting the communities of Royesville – it had been destroyed by a United Nations tank and the people only had a bamboo bridge and trust me it was scary to walk across – now they have a nice new bridge.
Royesville Visit with Joseph
Two fellow crew members helped the little boy in the photo in his papa’s arms – as he was severely malnourished – they asked if I would go by and visit him – he cried when he saw me, but later settled down – his mom is in the photo and the little girl in the distance is their newest daughter who was still in the womb when we left in 2008.
Royesville Visit with Blama
Some of the people I met on Evaluation are the same people I met when I did Assessment in Liberia. Blama is providing me with some additional names and cell phone numbers – though there is next to no phone coverage in their communities.
Royesville Visit
Mercy Ships was involved in many ways in the communities of Royesville. In the photo, I am meeting with the chairman of God’s Gift Project – Papa Blama and we are talking about their agriculture businesses.
BayTown Cheesemanburg
One of our earlier stops on the evaluation trip was to the community of Bay Town in Cheesemanburg – Mercy Ships was involved with a water well, health teaching and sanitation there. In the photo, I am asking the residents for their permission to return to ask them questions.
Victorious Faith Ministries Refuge Home
During my participation with our Evaluation Team, I visited the Victorious Faith Ministries Refuge Home – a place I visited often in 2008 – 4 of the children actually had surgeries on board the ship.
President of Togo visits the Hospital
The President of Togo visited the hospital of the Africa Mercy. In this photo, our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Gary Parker, explains about the different types of surgeries that we are doing this year for the Togolese people.
President Faure GNASSINGBE Addresses the Crew & Guests
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman
During the visit of the President of Togo – Faure GNASSINGBE, he addressed the crew and invited guests in our International Lounge. He shared how he was moved while visiting the hospital on deck 3. He has just won re-election for another five year term – for an election that was without violence.