We are so grateful for the local Liberians who served with us as dayvolunteers. We were searching for two of our former dayvolunteers who worked with our water well projects. They got the message and showed up at our evaluation in Cheesemanburg – Boaki & Andrew. They were real helpful as we went to visit some of the wells Mercy Ships put in the area.
Tenegar Clinic Observations
Cora Roberts is the officer in charge at the Tenegar Medical Clinic – she has her three year nursing degree and was previously one of our local Liberian dayvolunteers with the Africa Mercy. She is doing a good job caring for the people of the Tenegar region.
Tenegar Clinic Observation
Part of our official evaluation process was to observing a child from his/her arrival, the consultation, and receiving of the needed medications. Our team leader Mark had researched and obtained all the appropriate documents that we needed to use.
Ngenda James Kathleen
During the evaluation time in Liberia, I was able to visit some friends I first met in 2006 – James and Kathleen Ngenda – James was our Field Representative for Mercy Ships for a couple years. We had a good visit.
Rain in Monrovia Liberia
Anyone who has been to Liberia in the Rainy Season would recognize this scene out the front of our vehicle on one day during our visit to Monrovia.
Cookie Bisquit Time
Prior to leaving during one of my visits to the orphanage, I was able to share with them some cookies/bisquits that I purchased locally so that they could have a treat.
Kennedy on the Phone w Brenda
My birthday gift to my friend Brenda was buying recharge/scratch cards enough so that Kennedy could talk with Brenda who was in South Africa. The children also gathered around to sing Happy Birthday to her.
Nico working on my settings on my mobile phone
During my visit to the orphanage in Monrovia, Nico (almost known as Moses) is pictured in the middle with my mobile phone – he was working on some settings for me and entering some numbers for me – he promised not to make any international calls.
George Inai – Karate
Inai and George show me some of their karate moves that they are learning from the other kids and from Kennedy himself. Inai on the left even has the special white robe and coloured belt.
Keiths First Visit Back 18Apr10 a
During my first visit to see the kids at the orphanage, they were eating and so I just got to sit down with them as they enjoyed their rice, cassava leaves and special sauce prepared by Bindu. They finish their food down to the last grain of rice and no Liberian has eaten, unless he has had rice.