What can I say… we have joined millions around the world in watching the evening World Cup matches on television (8:30pm our time). There are eight matches played here in Durban in a beautiful new stadium just south of where we are staying. After the World Cup, we hope to visit the stadium and take the grand tour including a walk on the upper arc.
Advance Team & Russ Holmes
A photo of our South Africa Advance Team & Russ Holmes who leads the Procurement Team at the IOC in Texas (he is here on vacation as his wife is South African and he stayed to work on procurement contacts). We stopped to have coffee before I meeting with a possible ship chandler for the ship’s visit to South Africa.
iMfolozi Game Reserve – View in mirror
As the game reserve is set up that you can drive through yourself (the map at the entrance gate is very helpful), it was amazing to see the various animals crossing the road/path in your rearview mirror.
iMfolozi Game Reserve – Buffalos
Within ten minutes of driving into the iMfolozi Game Reserve as I was heading to the education centre, I saw these two buffalos enjoying a small water hole – there was also a warthog taking a drink.
iMfolozi Game Reserve Giraffe
This was the best close up sighting I had of the giraffes in the iMfolozi Game Reserve when I visited.
iMfolozi Game Reserve – Zebras
There were some amazing animals in the iMfolozi Game Reserve – I loved watching the zebras and am reminded that no two zebras have the same stripes. This is a story we share in children’s ministry in West Africa to share how each and every one of us is unique and special to God.
iMfolozi Game Reserve Rhino
On Saturday, I was able to visit iMfolozi Game Reserve in the state of KZN, South Africa. The game reserve is famous for the white rhino – I saw three in this general area – amazing animals just to watch.
Zulu Dancers Ballito
After our meeting this morning, we went for lunch at the mall in Ballito, north of Durban. Some Zulu dancers were performing in the parking lot and so we stopped to watch them for awhile.
Keith driving
Driving here is on the opposite side of the road and in the right hand seat of the vehicle, which means you shift with your left hand, though the foot pedals are the same thankfully. I think I am doing ok, but the early days, I was too much on the left hand side of the road.
World Cup RSA vs Mexico
We joined the approx. 2 billion people in the world and I am sure almost every South African to watch the Opening Ceremony and the first game of the FIFA World Cup – first to be held on the African continent. We jumped up when #8 made the first goal for South Africa. Even now an hour after the game we still hear our neighbours blowing the vuvulezas (long horns) outside. South Africa 1 & Mexico 1