KRB – Screenings – Togo

KRB Update #2174 – Screening
Keith R. Brinkman February 25, 2012

Greetings from Lomé, Togo, West Africa. During our recent surgical screening, my role was as the gate keeper, passing out initial screening tickets. A total of 1,609 tickets were given to potential patients who came along with their family members and caregivers. I brought them inside the gate in small groups. I tried to greet each patient – I used a combination of languages: French with Bon Jour (Good morning) ou Bienvenue (Welcome) or in Ewe with Woezo (pronounced “Way-zo” – also means Welcome). I knew they understood my pronunciation of the Ewe when they responded with ‘lo’ or ‘yo’ with a long ooo. Plus there were some who greeted me in English and so I responded in English. See the above photo.

About 4,000 people came to Kegue National Stadium here in Lomé for the surgical screening for maxillofacial, plastic-burn reconstructive and general surgery. Most of the Africa Mercy crew and our local day workers were involved. It was a peaceful night and day as we cared for them one person at a time. The prayer team was stationed under a tree and available to anyone wishing prayer.
As the hospital crew was preparing to close the Patient Gate, Lawrence and I asked if we could maintain our post with the gates shut, but still available if anyone arrives with a maxillofacial tumor or cleft lip and palate. We probably had a couple hundred people come during those final couple hours but most were not surgical candidate for the Mercy Ship. Though the very last person was a father and her daughter, when asked what is her problem, he said the hole in her mouth and when I leaned down to take a look it was clearly a cleft palate (hole in the upper part of the mouth). Her name is Samsia, probably around three or four year old girl. She was scheduled for surgery!!!

Our operating rooms are open and have just finished week #3, Wards have patients and caregivers and dayworkers and patient visitations have restarted.
Our Dental Team under the new leadership of Sieh Moore from Liberia is set up a facility near the government sector of Lomé and they conduct their screenings on going every Monday and Thursday mornings. The number of tickets he is able to distribute all depends on how many dentists we have for that period and their average capacity (how many per day).

Eye Screenings continue to take place every week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at rotating sites around Lomé.

Prayer Requests: *Each of our patients – their health, surgery and recovery for Hope & Healing. *For our healthcare professionals, we have had some surgeons cancel and that has a great impact. *Right people to still come for the remaining surgical slots and for Jonah from Ghana to have an opportunity for his second surgery.

Serving Together, Keith Email: [email protected]
Mail: Keith R. Brinkman, Mercy Ships, P.O. Box 2020, Lindale, TX 75771 USA

Surgical Screening – Hernia Boy

Where I was station at screening – the first main gate – I watched for any children and would stop to ensure that they had a parent with them. This boy, 10 years old with a hernia came but by himself. Through my translator Ruthie, we explained to him that he needs to go get a parent, brother/sister, neighbor someone. We prayed and waited, waited and then he returned.

KRB Update – Jonas from Tema Newtown

KRB Update #2173 – Jonas from Tema Newtown
Keith R. Brinkman January 25, 2012

Greetings from Lomé, Togo, West Africa. I pray that everyone had a great start to this New Year 2012.

During our short stay in Ghana after leaving Sierra Leone, one thing on my heart was to be able to find Jonas, a former patient, actually one of the first patients I met when I moved to the Anastasis in Ghana in June 2006. Though all I had was his first name, his home town and a before surgery photo. I first met him at the surgical screening day in 2006 and after he finished the screening process, he returned with joy to tell me that he was accepted and had a surgery appointment. I awaited his arrival in our hospital and was actually able to observe his surgery (see below photo). During his recovery, I visited him almost daily for many weeks. Though when he departed, I didn’t obtain any of his contact information.
On the 29 December 2011, I really felt to leave work early and to go and see if I can find him. His hometown is Tema Newtown, an industrial/fishing area near the port city of Tema with tens of thousands of residents. I prayed and off I went taking a shared taxi from the roundabout. While in the vehicle I explained to the driver and other passengers what I was attempting and requested their advice. The driver let me off in a location he thought I should start in. The first group of guys I asked, said to walk farther down. Then I saw two ladies and approached them and one shared she actually saw Jonas that morning. With excitement, I asked, do you know where he lives and she said Yes!!! There was a hint for a Christmas bonus (money) which I didn’t have, but her and her friend walked me back through a maze of shacks for about eight minutes and then I looked left and there was Jonas standing right there and after only split second, he recognized me. It was a great reunion as we last saw each other in October 2006. Please see the photo to the right of Jonas and some of his friends, a nephew and myself outside his shack. Jonas has a condition which actually partially grew back and he knew and was informed that would happen. After visiting, I told him I would check with the surgeon about whether we can schedule a second surgery while the ship is in neighboring nation of Togo – just the next country to the East and only 3-4 hours by public transport.

Dr. Gary remembered Jonas and said to turn in his contact information to the Patient Flow Manager and we’ll see if he can be scheduled (need to wait till after the Togolese patients screened in 2010 are scheduled).
Next Wednesday, February 1st, the entire crew will be involved in the surgical screening for this field service – the surgical specialties include: maxillofacial, plastic reconstructive, ophthalmic, VVF (vesicovaginal fistulas) and general. The operating rooms will be open for 17 weeks and we expect to provide surgery for over 1,200 patients. One of which may be Jonas.
Our Chief Medical Officer shared this prayer with us related to the surgical screening and I wish to share it with you. “That He (Father God) would bring to us all the people He has purposes for with us and that He would keep away those He doesn’t have purposes for with us.”
Serving Together, Keith Email: [email protected]
Mail: Keith R. Brinkman, Mercy Ships, P.O. Box 2020, Lindale, TX 75771 USA