KRB Update #2275 Advance Sierra Leone

 KRB Update 2275
Advance – Sierra Leone
Keith R. Brinkman
                                    20 July 2024 So what is happening in Sierra Leone while the Global Mercy is on her annual maintenance period in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Espana?
 For the Country Engagement Team – in my role as Port Liaison, I am most involved with ‘Advance’ activities – port arrangements, immigration and customs.  For the port, I visit the officials for meetings, requesting updated permission as most permissions were only for the ten months, but now that we have extended, we need new documents.  I also visit the berth to ensure all is well with ten containers and three 10,000 liter water tanks left behind.  It is a little sad to not see the Global Mercy at berth #3, but I close my eyes and I see her there again

Photo:  Berth Allocation for the Global Mercy – she will return on 13 August
 I have a count down on how many days till we welcome the ship back.  For Immigration, most processes are still in place and confirmed with the officials.  For customs clearance for our shipping containers of medical and non medical supplies, the Purser onboard is prepping the documents and I am going around with hard copies to get the required signatures and stamps.  I am ensuring all of the services will be ready for the return including waste removal and sludge/bildge water removal – how many cubic meters, how often, where they go, what precautions in place and how we make it happen. 
I am so encouraged to talk with people and their excitement for the return of the Global Mercy.  As many of you know in my role on the Africa Mercy, I handled our project reports and overall reports and statistics – I looked at the chart I created on where Mercy Ships has spent the most time in Africa and now Sierra Leone is in the top position.  Mercy Ships loves Sierra Leone and I sense it is mutual.    

Patient Selection Team – they completed the registration of potential surgical patients over nine days with large crowds at some of the locations particularly here in Freetown.  They are currently on a long road trip to visit and conduct field consultations in eight locations up country and then back here in Freetown at four sites.  

Photo:  Prayer for the Patient Selection Team 

Education, Training and Advocacy – anesthesia training continues as the main hospital of Sierra Leone plus other training courses are taking place with some of the same partners we used while I was serving in Liberia Sierra Leone – it is rainy season and so raining most days here.  I live in a shared apartment rented short term for the larger team.  I go to the Team House Monday to Friday where I have a desk in an open office.  I had hoped to connect with former surgical patients I know from 2011 but I am disappointed as that has not happened.  As it was 13 years ago, people have changed their SIM cards for their phones, they may be on Messenger, but they are not checking their accounts as they may not have access to data.  Though a highlighted the past weekend was seeing Sahr and visiting and sharing stories together with him.  See his photo holding a collage of photos taken while he was a patient in 2011.                
Prayers:  Patient Selection Process in Sierra Leone, Completion of the Maintenance on the Global Mercy as they prepare to return, for the Africa Mercy in Madagascar as surgeries and training continue on board and for some updated documents we need from the host government, Safety and Security and Good Health.  
Sahr Keith