Patients on Aft Deck

Over the last month through my visits to the hospital ward, I have gotten to know Elijah (who had cleft lip repair surgery done) and Joseph (sitted; who had plastic surgery on his chest and stomach due to keloids). The photo is taken on Sunday when we came outside for some fresh air on aft deck. Both boys have left and gone home now.

Dr. Glenn & Last Eye Patient on ANA

An era has come to an end – on Wednesday, they conducted their last eye surgery on board the m/v Anastasis. In the photo is Dr. Glenn Strauss our eye surgeon and our VP of International Programs and his team in the operating room. All surgeries will be started up once again after the Africa Mercy arrives and is set up for patients.

Surgical Screening

Surgical Screening
Originally uploaded by keith.brinkman.

Thank you for those who prayed for our surgical screening days. The night before and the entire day was peaceful. Since we are doing the eye surgical patient screening separately at four locations weekly, we did not have the large crowd. We were able to focus on the surgical patients for maxillofacial, plastics and orthopaedics. Our schedule is almost full through our time here, though there are some slots still available for those referred to us by others and/or for those located later on. My role was escorting patients from outside the stadium (see the photo) inside to the correct station – so I had a bit of time to greet and talk with them.